วันจันทร์ที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553


Basketball is a wonderful sport played by many different people. There are several keys to being a great basket ball player. The first key is practice. Practice is a key element if you want to be good at basketball. Basketball needs not only talent but a lot of work. Another key to basketball is teamwork. Ball hogging never ever helps the team win. It causes teammates to be angry with one another and this doesn't work at all. The greatest basketball players also have a lot of assists too. They know when to shoot and when to pass. Another skill involving basketball is knowing what you are good at. When you know what you are good at you can do better. Let the big men play in the center and the smaller men play guards. Big men are great centers and can get the rebounds. Rebounding is a important factor. Because the more tries you get the better chance you have of making a basket. However, centers should not dribble the ball too much because they are always bad at ball handling and it is easy for the other team to get a steal. The shooting guards should set screens for each other. Screens allow open shots. Basketball is a wonderful sport that can be played by anyone. There are always great leagues that anyone can join. I loved playing Junior Jazz in Utah. That was a great activity. It also exercises all sorts of muscles. It is an excellent sport. People love to play basketball so you can always find someone to play with. If you remember the keys to the game it is a great sport. The basic keys are teamwork and practice. After these two everything else just falls right into place. Basketball is all about work.

by Jason Smith

