วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Tips to Starting a Running Program

If you are interested in starting a running program, here are some tips to get you started.

First, decide why you want to run. This is your motivation. You will need to remind yourself of this often, especially in the winter when its very cold and windy outside. Motivation is what will get you started and keep you going.

Second, try to carve out time during your day when you know that you will be able to run. Maybe its 6am (like it is for me) before your kids are up and you r partner goes to work.
Perhaps it is during your lunch hour at work. Or maybe after work is your best time. Look at your schedule and find a place to write running in. Consider your running appointment as important as any other appointment that you make.

Third, get a good pair of shoes made especially for running. It is so important to get a pair of quality running shoes. Running can be hard on your joints and its vital that you get a pair of shoes that are made for your feet and your style of running. Your running goal makes a difference as well .If you are planning on training to run a marathon, the type of shoe you need may be different then if you are running shorter distances. I recommend going to a running shoe specialty store and getting their help in finding the best shoe for you.

Fourth, start slowly. Don't go out and run 5 miles your first time out. Determine your schedule based on your activity level NOW. Don't think about how active you were back in high school (unless you just graduated) or the fact that 10 years ago you ran 5 miles 4 times per week. What have you done lately? Its always a good idea to get the okay from your physician before starting any exercise program, especially if you have had any type of health issue in the past. If walking to the break room and then out to your car after work is the extent of your physical activity, you should start walking before running. Walk a mile or so a couple times a week before you start running. Remember, you will be sore, especially if this is your first physical activity in a while. Don't go too fast or you won't want to continue.

Running is a great activity that can help you lose weight, relieve stress and be a happier person.

by John Angel

