วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Here's a Simple Way To Be A Better Basketball Player

If you're a basketball player, it's normal for you to want to become a better basketball player. In fact, if you have the motivation to become better, you're already ahead of most other players. It's amazing how many people simply keep doing what they're doing and don't genuinely try to improve.

To be a better basketball player, there are several areas of your game that you can try to improve. Many people focus mainly on improving their jump shot. Obviously this is a huge part of the game and most people get the most enjoyment out of scoring when playing the game. However, it's important to recognize how many other areas of your game you can work on. Rebounding, blocking, passing - these areas and more will have a major impact on your play.

So what's a way you can improve several areas of your game and become a better basketball player in one swoop?

It's actually one of the easiest ways to become a better player yet almost all players overlook it. Work on your vertical leap! If you can jump higher, not only will you be a better player but also a more exciting one.

Think about all the areas that will benefit. You'll be a better blocker. A far better rebounder. You will extend your range on your jump shot.

And the most fun part is that you can increase your vertical to the point where you can dunk - probably the best feeling in the game!

I see too many players just assume that they will never be able to dunk - this just isn't true! You don't have to be extremely tall to be able to dunk, you just have to work hard at increasing your vertical leap. And the best part is that since so many people don't even try, you'll look like a king on the court!

And it is entirely possible to drastically increase your vertical - even by 15 inches or more - if you follow the right training program. It takes some work, but you can expect to add 6-12 inches in just a couple of months if you follow the right plan.

The key is to take action and do it! Imagine being able to jump an extra foot. Your teammates will be amazed by your improvement and if you keep at it, you will get to the point that you can dunk the ball.

by Grant Dougan

